About Me

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Oh deary. About me sections are always my least favorite. My name is Laura, I like typing, singing off key, belittling myself, watching movies, hanging out with friends, and lots of other normal teenager things. I like animals and Italian food and I find Harrison Ford attractive. I love vitiman water, Nutella, pom poms and Converse.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Boys Get Lonely After You Leave

Today in groups we discussed what we do when we're stressed out. Naturally, I hate groups. I hate sharing my feelings, even if they're not very deep, to people I don't know very well. I hate it when it's my turn to say something. Even if I say a sentence---a simple sentence, possibly 10 words long--- I blush a deep red. I feel it in my cheeks. I don't know why I do this, it just happens. Stupid red hair.
Anyway. "What about you Laura?" Mark asks me referring to the question "What do you do when you're stressed out?"
"Uhm..." I smile to myself, "I play music really loudly and dance around my room."
Someone, I don't remember who, very rudely said, "That's what you do when you're stressed!?"
"Yeah. I usually play music I'm not really in the mood for and just jump around and dance."
[laughter] I don't remember thinking it was funny or not.

Anyway, I have been stressed out a lot lately. So I got home after softball and Chelsea Dagger was the first thing I wanted to hear.

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