About Me

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Oh deary. About me sections are always my least favorite. My name is Laura, I like typing, singing off key, belittling myself, watching movies, hanging out with friends, and lots of other normal teenager things. I like animals and Italian food and I find Harrison Ford attractive. I love vitiman water, Nutella, pom poms and Converse.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I feel like I just used the word "juice" a million times

Today my mom was making apple juice with the new juicer my dad got her for Christmas. I guess it's not really that new anymore, but anyway, she couldn't find a part that she needed for the juice making process. My sister was over because she was helping up plan our group trip to New York/Boston that we're taking this summer, and my mom was getting a little upset/frustrated because she could not find whatever she was looking for. This is mainly becuase she gets really excited about making juice and she wanted Katie to have some. After a good five minutes of searching and complaining with us just standing there in the kitchen, she finds it and exclaims, "There it is! Right in front of my ears!"

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