About Me

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Oh deary. About me sections are always my least favorite. My name is Laura, I like typing, singing off key, belittling myself, watching movies, hanging out with friends, and lots of other normal teenager things. I like animals and Italian food and I find Harrison Ford attractive. I love vitiman water, Nutella, pom poms and Converse.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Only one more official day of school. Sorry my post haven't been coming that much lately. I haven't had much to say. "Hi...Goodbye." That's what they've been. I just have nothing to report. Life's the same.
I've started this new goal to watch all the Tim Burton movies by the end of this year. So far the only one I've watched after this new goal is "Mars Attacks" but I've seen other ones before then. When I was little, I wasn't allowed to watch the show "Beetlejuice," the one based on the movie. I watched it anyway. I've never seen the actual movie though. Anyway today I asked my mom why I wasn't ever allowed to watch it and she said "Because it's witchcraft." To which I replied, "No, it's about a ghost..." "Ghosts are witchcraft." And I wonder how I turned out semi normal. Somedays, I think about how if she wasn't so strict, I might be a better child. If she and my dad weren't so into the Bible and God how I might be a better Christian. If she didn't judge things the Smurfs, would I wonder about them? Let me tell you, if I was actually allowed to read Harry Potter, I wouldn't. Nope, but since I'm forbidden to, I do. I don't even enjoy the books in general. I think they're overrated, but it's rebellion from the crazy woman who I call mother, so I do it. But is it rebellion if she doesn't know about it? Whatever, enough of the rant.

In other news, I've been listening to the South Pacific soundtrack lately. I love that movie. If you haven't seen it, please consider. Oh and apparently Regina Spektor's new album is coming out June 23rd. Perfectly in time if you want to buy me a late birthday present. Only 3 days late. Am I really going to be 15? Damn.
So I checked, I'm definitely turning 15. I'm going to be driving. Damn.

This is what I really started this post for, but I got carried away:
Summer's almost here, and I'm pretty sure I'll be busy a lot. I probably won't have very much posting time. I'm going to try to post at least once a week. No promises. And in the fall, I think I'm going to stop using this blog and start a new one. I know that's a little strange, because I have a perfectly good one right here, but I just want to. I'm not going to delete this one, it's going to stay here, watching the world from its little corner. It's just time for a new start. Or maybe it's because I've changed, immensely. I read posts from December and wonder where that girl is and I don't miss her.

I think that's all,
Love Laura

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