About Me

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Oh deary. About me sections are always my least favorite. My name is Laura, I like typing, singing off key, belittling myself, watching movies, hanging out with friends, and lots of other normal teenager things. I like animals and Italian food and I find Harrison Ford attractive. I love vitiman water, Nutella, pom poms and Converse.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


soooo here it is: http://frozenfingers.wordpress.com/
eternally goodbye EBH.

sorry for the first and only post up on it right now. it's going to be deleted soon and replaced with a for real start up post. right now, you'll be looking at the just kidding post.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Post #70

Yes, this is my 70th post and my last post on Electric Blue Headband.
Actually, I guess this is post 69 because I have a draft that I never planned on actually putting out for the public to read. But 69 or 70, this is my last post.
I hope this doesn't make you depressed or anything. I don't expect anyone to feel that way because I don't think there's anyone out there that got by day to day simply on my blog. You might find yourself wondering, "Why, Laura? Why don't you love us anymore?" And it's not that, it's just as I said a while back, I've changed a lot since making this blog, and even more this summer. I guess everyone changes from the beginning of their freshman year to the beginning of their sophomore year, and goodness, I wish I had started this at the beginning of my freshman year instead of the middle. But if the close of this blog does happen to make you sad, don't fear. I will be starting a new one sometime this fall.

So as an end to EBH, I just want to thank you for sticking with me through whatever I've posted on here. I don't know if you enjoyed it or read it because you thought I might mention you, or just came here because you're my friend. I really appreciate you caring about what I had to say.

That's it. Have a great rest of summer!
Love, Laura

Thursday, July 16, 2009

"You only get one future."

Yes, believe it or not, here's a post from Laura!

I've been thinking a lot about my future. I think up these insane dreams of what I would like to do with my life but then I think, "That would be a really great idea if you started five years ago." I use to want to travel the world and do nothing else; that died out a few months ago. I'm so tired of hearing "What do you want to do?" from grown ups who don't actually care. I'm so tired of saying in reply, "I have no idea." I wish I had an idea but marrying Daniel Radcliffe is not exactly a career option. Thinking about this just makes me so depressed. It makes me feel kinda useless. I don't really have any talents. I can't draw or paint. I'm not athletic. I'm practically tone deaf when it comes to singing and I don't have the patience for musical instruments. You people reading this know about my writing skills. Anything I might possibly have a dream of doing just fails.

So I don't know. I guess I'll just live in today.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

As Long As I Live

I sit at the computer looking at the curser blinking back and forth and I still can't imagine writing anything. In fact, I can't imagine writing another sentence for as long as I can live.

Monday, June 15, 2009

VBS at the BUMC

So VBS started today. I have a new t-shirt that says Crocodile Dock on it. My favorite kids are these two little girls named Cambria and Catie. They always want to hold my hands or sit on my lap. It makes me feel like a mother. Gibson all week.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer's the Walrus

Summer days grow as long as the naughty boy's face. I find myself watching Moulin Rouge! and Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, and it's amazing. I find myself eating a whole container of blackberries in one day. I find myself not being able to go to sleep because it's too hot in my room. I find myself ignoring texts because they're a waste of time. I find myself wishing for winter, knowing all the while that if it was winter, I'd wish for summer.

Today was my first official day at our new church. I thought it was going to be horrible, but actually it wasn't. I made two new friends. I guess not friends, yet; acquaintances. One's a boy. A possible love interest. I haven't decided yet. I really hate myself in times like these though. I finally get happy with the fact that I'm single, and I start to appreciate it, and then this guy pops up and I decided that he's attractive and I can't stop thinking about him and then I have a crush on him and then I only want him and no one else in my life... Okay I'm really carrying on. Gibson is not like that, at all. Not yet, at least. Hopefully never will it turn into that. Yes, Gibson.

I feel horrible because I can't stop laughing at that. God, I almost burst out laughing when he introduced himself.

*snickers* Gibson...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Packing Problems

So, I'm leaving tomorrow and so far I've packed makeup and underwear. That's pretty productive or not. I just don't know what to take. Every time I fold something, I unfold it and then fold it again. I place a shirt in my suitcase but then I take it out. This morning I packed my green halter dress but then I decided I'd wear it today.
Oh well, I'll have it done before waking up at 4 tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Only one more official day of school. Sorry my post haven't been coming that much lately. I haven't had much to say. "Hi...Goodbye." That's what they've been. I just have nothing to report. Life's the same.
I've started this new goal to watch all the Tim Burton movies by the end of this year. So far the only one I've watched after this new goal is "Mars Attacks" but I've seen other ones before then. When I was little, I wasn't allowed to watch the show "Beetlejuice," the one based on the movie. I watched it anyway. I've never seen the actual movie though. Anyway today I asked my mom why I wasn't ever allowed to watch it and she said "Because it's witchcraft." To which I replied, "No, it's about a ghost..." "Ghosts are witchcraft." And I wonder how I turned out semi normal. Somedays, I think about how if she wasn't so strict, I might be a better child. If she and my dad weren't so into the Bible and God how I might be a better Christian. If she didn't judge things the Smurfs, would I wonder about them? Let me tell you, if I was actually allowed to read Harry Potter, I wouldn't. Nope, but since I'm forbidden to, I do. I don't even enjoy the books in general. I think they're overrated, but it's rebellion from the crazy woman who I call mother, so I do it. But is it rebellion if she doesn't know about it? Whatever, enough of the rant.

In other news, I've been listening to the South Pacific soundtrack lately. I love that movie. If you haven't seen it, please consider. Oh and apparently Regina Spektor's new album is coming out June 23rd. Perfectly in time if you want to buy me a late birthday present. Only 3 days late. Am I really going to be 15? Damn.
So I checked, I'm definitely turning 15. I'm going to be driving. Damn.

This is what I really started this post for, but I got carried away:
Summer's almost here, and I'm pretty sure I'll be busy a lot. I probably won't have very much posting time. I'm going to try to post at least once a week. No promises. And in the fall, I think I'm going to stop using this blog and start a new one. I know that's a little strange, because I have a perfectly good one right here, but I just want to. I'm not going to delete this one, it's going to stay here, watching the world from its little corner. It's just time for a new start. Or maybe it's because I've changed, immensely. I read posts from December and wonder where that girl is and I don't miss her.

I think that's all,
Love Laura

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Finals sound so final.

Okay so finals are here again. I'm almost not a freshman anymore. That's a little scary. Growing up sucks.
Anyway with finals and packing/moving and my grandparents coming to my house this weekend, I'm really stressed out. I only have my Algebra final tomorrow, so I studied a little bit and I'm not nervioso. (See I'm practicing for my Spanish one.) I just really want Zach to do that thing he did last semester where he told me that even if I made a zero on all my finals, I would still be passing all my classes. I don't know what he did to figure that out, but I wish I did. That made me feel so much better last time, so much more sure of myself.

So I think I'm going to go to sleep pretty soon just to get my mind off things, because, believe me, there are a lot of things my mind is on.

Love you and good luck with finals of your own.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

ceoireoroueroieueocneouroeceoriuo =)

Life is going back to normal, slowing down. Summer is almost here. Choir concert today. And Miss Talitha, I need to talk to you as soon as possible. :-)

And Miss Jenna and Miss Talitha, when are we going to Kirby Lane?!?

Loooove you all,